eyvind gulbrandsenmain.html
Eyvind Gulbrandsen (1977) has a diploma in composition from the royal academy of music, Aarhus, denmark, where he studied from 2000 - 2005 with teachers such as Karl Aage Rasmussen, Bent Sørensen, Rolf Wallin og Olav Anton Thommessen. 
His list of works contains solo/chamber music, music for orchestra and theatre, electronic and electroacoustic music and installations. 
His music has been performed in all of the nordic countries, Germany, France, UK, USA and Canada.

Gulbrandsens pieces are mostly a combination of installation, performance and concert. He works very closely with his musicians, often from scratch and without a traditional score. With offset in a certain topic, the piece emerges through dialogue, interviews and workshops, working with both precomposed material and different types of intuitive improvisation. 
His inspiration comes mostly from human behaviour and the interaction between humans and culture/society. The involvement of the musicians (and sometimes even the audience) throughout the creative process leads to very personal pieces: a quality that is strongly felt by both the participants and the audience. 

Eyvind Gulbrandsen is also a dedicated teacher in music and composition, teaching at a.o. Sonic College, Ærø Højskole and Engelsholm Højskole. He is now leader of the music department at Brandbjerg Højskole.http://soniccollege.orghttp://aero.dkhttp://engelsholm.dkhttps://brandbjerg.dk/hoejskoleophold/soundhouse/shapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3