eyvind gulbrandsenmain.html
Hi all. 
Please do not mistake the absence of news on this page with the idea 
that there are none... 

A lot of things are happening. I will link on the “work” page to things of special interest.



Old news:

Update January 2014:

Please go to THIS PAGE to explore a selection of works and projects from 2013.

More updates on upcoming activities will follow soon.

Fall 2013:

After a busy spring and warm summer my updates have been few.
Updates will follow soon!

By the way; A new exiting commission has landed! I look forward building 3 sounding sculptures for the eminent percussion trio “Pinquins”

And do remember to drop by Suså Festival 1/9 where my good friends in “Lydenskab” performs my piece “Den fyrste song eg høyra fekk”

Spring 2013:

A new electro-acoustic piece commissioned! 
I am very proud to announce that the talented visual artist and filmmaker Jette Hye Jin Mortensen has asked for my collaboration in her upcoming exhibition at the prestigious venue Overgaden in Copenhagen. In one of three rooms at her exhibition, I will create an ongoing 12 channel electro-acoustic piece to accompany her artwork. 

This spring I'm working on:
- a new (and probably the final) piece for the mannequin ensemble, this time in collaboration with the talented norwegian singer/performance group "Små Grå". Premiere is set to DogA on May 5th.
- a short film based on the piece "The Dream"
- an installation/performance for parents with infants.
- preparing an interactive piece for schoolchildren, age 6 - 10.
Furthermore rehearsals and first performance of "The Dream" will take place any time soon.

Fall 2012:

On the 31. of august 2012 my wife and I got our second child, a beautiful girl named Oda.

“The Dream” - Also as a movie:
I have invited filmmaker Christoffer Brekne to create a short movie with the music and scenery from the piece. After a few meetings I must say I look very much forward to start recording and seeing the result. Our goal is to create a sister-piece which can be performed alone or as a “mirror” to the live performance.

New commission accepted:
A commission for a piece for 2 musicians and electronics where children may interact (in one way or another) is accepted. The duo have specialised in performing for young people and children, and I look forward to see how the commission will turn out. The piece will be performed in schools spring 2014.

Venue Lab:
My biggest surprise this fall was the opportunity to participate in an experiment where 4 people from different musical backgrounds is placed in a room for 3 days to create 30 minutes of music together. The three people I was fortunate to work with was pop/rock/jazz influenced. I learned a lot, made very good friends and I am very proud of the result. As I often insist on, we chose to play the concert on the floor, amongst the audience. The live experience was very intense and moving, both for us musicians and, I was told, for the audience. You can see and hear a recording of the first concert here. 

“Små Grå” and the Mannequin Ensemble:
In november the norwegian singer/performance group “Små Grå” will visit my studio for our first workshop together. I will set up the Mannequin Ensemble and let the group play with different possibilities for 3 days. The piece is a collaboration where we create a performance/concert together. The piece is scheduled for 2013.

Ambient music for drug addicts:
I was very much looking forward to create a sounding space for drug addicts in Copenhagen, whom under medical surveillance should be able to do their drugs in a more safe environment than on the streets. This wonderful initiative provides safety for those unfortunate, and it helps keeping the neighbourhoods safe, especially for children, whom can play without risking being hurt or infected by needles laying around.
I was happy to participate in this truly respectful and caring project, helping to make the life of those living in tragic conditions a little bit brighter. Never the less, the politicians in Copenhagen opposed the idea of having music in the “needle room”. They said they did not “wish taking drugs to be a comfortable experience”
I have no further comment on that matter.

Summer 2012:

In June “Lydenskab”, The Mannequin Sextet and I performed “Den fyrste song eg høyra fekk” at Horsens Kunstmuseum and Kvindemuseet in Aarhus.
Also we received a short but wonderful review in the danish web magazine Seismograf for our first performance at Athelas New Music Festival. Read the full review here (in danish)

This summer also includes discussions on a new piece for drug addicts. It is maybe the most ambivalent assignment I ever received. More info will follow.

As for late summer/early fall my wife and I will have our second child, so when the time comes my mind will be fully focused on family, love and care. Forgive me for being slightly absent in that period. 

May 2012:

This month the two pieces “The Changeling” and “Den fyrste song eg høyra fekk” was premiered. 

“The Changeling” had a wonderful first performance spanning over four hours at the SPOR festival in Aarhus, Denmark on May 13th. 

“Den fyrste song eg høyra fekk” was premiered at the Athelas New Music Festival in Copenhagen, wonderfully performed by “Lydenskab” and “The Mannequin Sextet”
Two new performances of the piece is scheduled to June 19th in Horsens and on June 21th in Aarhus, Denmark. 

March/April 2012:

The 18. of April was the piece “The four seasons” for saxophone, electronics and audience as a choir premiered at Nicolai in Kolding, Denmark with saxophone player Kasper Pihl. 

The piece “The Changeling” is taking form, and we look forward to present it at the SPOR festival the 13. of May starting at 2 p.m. and lasting for four hours.

The upcoming piece for “Lydenskab”, featuring “Mannequin Sextet” will be named “Den fyrste song eg høyra fekk” (“The first song I ever heard”) and will be performed at the Athelas New Music Festival on the 20. of May 2012 at 9.00 pm.

In June I am asked to perform a composition inspired by radio documentary in Aarhus, Denmark. More info to come.

February 2012:

The collaboration with “Lydenskab” is now in it’s first fase, and the first performance of a new piece, featuring “Mannequin Sextet” will be performed at the Athelas New Music Festival late May 2012.

A new commission is accepted! In December a new piece for Flute and Electronics will be premiered at Kunsten in Aalborg, performed by the wonderful Karolina Leedo. The piece will be a live, flesh and blood variation of the installation “The Dream”

January 2012:

A collaboration with the ensemble “Lydenskab” is now confirmed. We will go into dialog as soon as possible and work together in June 2012, if not sooner.

I look forward to begin the work on my new installation. It will be named “The Dream”. I have been fortunate enough to have Mikkel Pihl to help me with the technical and mechanical challenges.

Kaj Aune and I are in dialogue, planning a collaboration project late 2011/early 2012

December 2011:

The jury for SPOR festival has selected the collaboration project “Bytningen/The Changeling” for the festival in 2012. Eyvind Gulbrandsen and Jullie Hjetland works with The Mannequin Ensemble to create an installation performance. 

A new commission for saxophone and electronics accepted. Premiere in April 2012. The piece will be named “The four seasons” and will include the audience as a choir.

November 2011:

The Mannequin Ensemble are currently working with the acclaimed folksinger Jullie Hjetland to create a new piece scheduled for late spring 2012.

Furthermore The Mannequin Ensemble is in dialogue with the norwegian theatre/performance/vocal group “Små Grå”, discussing a collaboration early autumn 2012.Projects2013.htmlhttp://pinquins.nohttp://susaafestival.dkhttp://lydenskab.dkden_fyrste_song.htmlhttp://www.jettehyejinmortensen.comhttp://www.jettehyejinmortensen.comhttp://www.overgaden.orghttp://mannequinensemble.org/http://smaagraa.wordpress.comhttp://www.doga.nokids.htmlkids.htmlThe_Dream.htmlhttp://www.eyenorth.comhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws_M9HmP_9Ihttp://lydenskab.dk/den_fyrste_song.htmlden_fyrste_song.htmlhttp://www.horsenskunstmuseum.dk/http://kvindemuseet.dk/dk.aspxhttp://seismograf.orghttp://www.anmf.dk/http://seismograf.org/reportage/franske-forbindelser-athelas-new-music-festival-2012the_changeling.htmlden_fyrste_song.htmlthe_changeling.htmlhttp://www.sporfestival.dk/den_fyrste_song.htmlhttp://www.anmf.dk/http://lydenskab.dk/http://www.mannequinensemble.orgthe_four_seasons.htmlhttp://www.sctnicolai.dk/http://www.kasperpihl.dk/the_changeling.htmlhttp://sporfestival.dk/http://sporfestival.dk/http://lydenskab.dk/http://www.mannequinensemble.orgden_fyrste_song.htmlden_fyrste_song.htmlhttp://anmf.dk/http://lydenskab.dk/http://www.mannequinensemble.orghttp://anmf.dk/http://anmf.dk/http://www.kunsten.dk/The_Dream.htmlhttp://lydenskab.dk/The_Dream.htmlhttp://www.vokskabinet.com/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/http://kajaune.nethttp://www.sporfestival.dk/http://www.myspace.com/julliehjetlandhttp://www.mannequinensemble.orgthe_four_seasons.htmlhttp://www.myspace.com/julliehjetlandhttp://www.myspace.com/julliehjetlandshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3shapeimage_2_link_4shapeimage_2_link_5shapeimage_2_link_6shapeimage_2_link_7shapeimage_2_link_8shapeimage_2_link_9shapeimage_2_link_10shapeimage_2_link_11shapeimage_2_link_12shapeimage_2_link_13shapeimage_2_link_14shapeimage_2_link_15shapeimage_2_link_16shapeimage_2_link_17shapeimage_2_link_18shapeimage_2_link_19shapeimage_2_link_20shapeimage_2_link_21shapeimage_2_link_22shapeimage_2_link_23shapeimage_2_link_24shapeimage_2_link_25shapeimage_2_link_26shapeimage_2_link_27shapeimage_2_link_28shapeimage_2_link_29shapeimage_2_link_30shapeimage_2_link_31shapeimage_2_link_32shapeimage_2_link_33shapeimage_2_link_34shapeimage_2_link_35shapeimage_2_link_36shapeimage_2_link_37shapeimage_2_link_38shapeimage_2_link_39shapeimage_2_link_40shapeimage_2_link_41shapeimage_2_link_42shapeimage_2_link_43shapeimage_2_link_44shapeimage_2_link_45shapeimage_2_link_46shapeimage_2_link_47shapeimage_2_link_48shapeimage_2_link_49shapeimage_2_link_50shapeimage_2_link_51shapeimage_2_link_52shapeimage_2_link_53shapeimage_2_link_54shapeimage_2_link_55shapeimage_2_link_56shapeimage_2_link_57shapeimage_2_link_58
!!! NEWS !!!